Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :


Data Fetched at 2024-09-18 23:53:11 (1 hour ago)
Quantity On AH 450
Minimum Bid Price 1
Minimum Buyout Price 1
Average Bid Price 96057
Average Buyout Price 104577
Median Bid Price 88888
Median Buyout Price 98888
Price Change
-1 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 15 188888
Min Bid 99518
Mean Buyout 28515 717285
Mean Bid 24371 685830
Median Buyout 90 35
Median Bid 80 281
Cost Price
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 88888 / 98888

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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Emrissa 41 1 41 5 41 / 5 >12h
6 1 6 69999 6 / 69999 >12h
6 1 6 69999 6 / 69999 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Thaddeusos 75 1 75 745 75 / 745 >12h
Eame 1 1 1 749 1 / 749 >12h
Dorinius 1 1 1 750 1 / 750 >12h
Bankerbabe 725 1 725 750 725 / 750 >12h
Bankerbabe 725 1 725 750 725 / 750 >12h
74250 1 74250 785 74250 / 785 >12h
74250 1 74250 785 74250 / 785 >12h
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Speranta 75050 1 75050 790 75050 / 790 2h-12h
75250 1 75250 795 75250 / 795 >12h
75250 1 75250 795 75250 / 795 >12h
51 1 51 8 51 / 8 >12h
51 1 51 8 51 / 8 >12h
81 1 81 9 81 / 9 >12h
Noym 91 1 91 960 91 / 960 >12h
91750 1 91750 970 91750 / 970 >12h
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