Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Frozen Orb]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 17:42:46 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 365
Minimum Bid Price 750
Minimum Buyout Price 10375
Average Bid Price 2165953
Average Buyout Price 2541770
Median Bid Price 11350
Median Buyout Price 120
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 9 1968749
Min Bid 139
Mean Buyout 74725 33611881
Mean Bid 786174 22121873
Median Buyout 7999 800
Median Bid 7850 4168334
Cost Price
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Emblem of Heroism]
x10Arcanist Ivrenne
[Emblem of Heroism]
x10Magistrix Lambriesse
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 11350 / 120

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
Kaiyoksh 105 3 100 100 / >12h
Duduz 70350 7 70350 70350 / 2h-12h
Kricton 1000 2 1000 1000 / 2h-12h
Zorcky 9850 1 9850 10375 9850 / 10375 2h-12h
Zorcky 9850 1 9850 10375 9850 / 10375 2h-12h
Zorcky 9850 1 9850 10375 9850 / 10375 2h-12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Anthima 102 1 102 104 102 / 104 >12h
Railthepally 9945 1 9945 10475 9945 / 10475 2h-12h
Railthepally 9945 1 9945 10475 9945 / 10475 2h-12h
Evenings 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Jumpscare 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Evenings 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Vidhavet 10450 1 10450 105 10450 / 105 >12h
Evenings 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Evenings 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Jumpscare 10050 1 10050 105 10050 / 105 >12h
Vidhavet 10450 1 10450 105 10450 / 105 >12h
Drivemage 10550 1 10550 10675 10550 / 10675 2h-12h
Drivemage 10550 1 10550 10675 10550 / 10675 2h-12h
Martln 10650 1 10650 1069899 10650 / 1069899 >12h
Martln 10650 1 10650 1069899 10650 / 1069899 >12h
Martln 10650 1 10650 1069899 10650 / 1069899 >12h
Martln 10650 1 10650 1069899 10650 / 1069899 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Kollo 10699 1 10699 1069999 10699 / 1069999 >12h
Stealthdrunk 10050 1 10050 107 10050 / 107 >12h
Stealthdrunk 10050 1 10050 107 10050 / 107 >12h
Kooffee 1023750 1 1023750 1079999 1023750 / 1079999 2h-12h
Kooffee 1023750 1 1023750 1079999 1023750 / 1079999 2h-12h
Kooffee 1023750 1 1023750 1079999 1023750 / 1079999 2h-12h
Kooffee 1023750 1 1023750 1079999 1023750 / 1079999 2h-12h
Martln 10850 1 10850 1089999 10850 / 1089999 >12h
Martln 10850 1 10850 1089999 10850 / 1089999 >12h
Stiklin 99 1 99 109 99 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Stiklin 99 1 99 109 99 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Lovelyeyes 107 1 107 109 107 / 109 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
Nethery 10950 1 10950 10950 10950 / 10950 >12h
A0xarus 99 1 99 110 99 / 110 2h-12h
A0xarus 99 1 99 110 99 / 110 2h-12h
Shylaastylez 100 1 100 110 100 / 110 >12h
Peora 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Peora 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Cowpantz 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Nimakata 10150 1 10150 110 10150 / 110 >12h
Paladiabo 110 1 110 110 110 / 110 2h-12h
Amilesea 110 1 110 110 110 / 110 >12h
A0xarus 99 1 99 110 99 / 110 2h-12h
A0xarus 99 1 99 110 99 / 110 2h-12h
Shylaastylez 100 1 100 110 100 / 110 >12h
Peora 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Cowpantz 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Peora 10050 1 10050 110 10050 / 110 >12h
Nimakata 10150 1 10150 110 10150 / 110 >12h
Paladiabo 110 1 110 110 110 / 110 2h-12h
Amilesea 110 1 110 110 110 / 110 >12h
Bageraa 1109999 1 1109999 1109999 1109999 / 1109999 >12h
Bageraa 1109999 1 1109999 1109999 1109999 / 1109999 >12h
Bageraa 1109999 1 1109999 1109999 1109999 / 1109999 >12h
Bageraa 1109999 1 1109999 1109999 1109999 / 1109999 >12h
Jinhe 887512 1 8050 113 8050 / 113 >12h
Jinhe 887512 1 8050 113 8050 / 113 >12h
Alxx 11350 1 11350 11380 11350 / 11380 >12h
Alxx 11350 1 11350 11380 11350 / 11380 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Temerinac 11350 1 11350 114 11350 / 114 >12h
Freezeergirl 861145 1 82139 1144850 82139 / 1144850 2h-12h
Freezeergirl 861145 1 82139 1144850 82139 / 1144850 2h-12h
Freezeergirl 861145 1 82139 1144850 82139 / 1144850 2h-12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Biskoitbesha 95250 1 9050 115 9050 / 115 >12h
Nimakata 10150 1 10150 115 10150 / 115 >12h
Nimakata 10150 1 10150 115 10150 / 115 >12h
Spiritveil 11450 1 11450 11550 11450 / 11550 2h-12h
Spiritveil 11450 1 11450 11550 11450 / 11550 2h-12h
Spiritveil 11450 1 11450 11550 11450 / 11550 2h-12h
Spiritveil 11450 1 11450 11550 11450 / 11550 >12h
Spiritveil 11450 1 11450 11550 11450 / 11550 >12h
Railthepally 1136250 1 1136250 11975 1136250 / 11975 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 9975 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 9975 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 >12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 >12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Highpriests 95 1 95 120 95 / 120 2h-12h
Gunts 10050 1 10050 120 10050 / 120 >12h
Alcapawn 11550 1 11550 120 11550 / 120 2h-12h
Ferocitus 867858 1 826532 12375 826532 / 12375 >12h
Ferocitus 867858 1 826532 12375 826532 / 12375 >12h
Ferocitus 867858 1 826532 12375 826532 / 12375 >12h
Siltums 125 1 125 125 125 / 125 2h-12h
Dazzlinho 1128719 1 1128719 1287466 1128719 / 1287466 >12h
Galadiirn 999999 1 999999 1299999 999999 / 1299999 2h-12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Monocolor 1299999 1 1299999 1499999 1299999 / 1499999 >12h
Bcom 199 1 199 199 199 / 199 >12h
Privatbank 15 2 15 210 15 / 210 >12h
Yopla 205 2 205 215 205 / 215 2h-12h
Hikariee 290 2 290 295 290 / 295 >12h
Bladetempest 2481382 2 2481382 2969998 2481382 / 2969998 >12h
Bubeer 399 2 399 400 399 / 400 >12h
Meysaamm 3999998 2 3999998 440 3999998 / 440 2h-12h
Shockedxz 54550 5 54550 550 54550 / 550 2h-12h
Jhandenawer 600 4 600 601 600 / 601 >12h
Shanur 90150 3 90150 91350 90150 / 91350 30min-2hrs
Laguerthaz 2300 20 2300 2350 2300 / 2350 2h-12h
Veryuglyman 26383479 20 26383479 26383479 26383479 / 26383479 >12h
Hunterbet 1000 10 1000 3000 1000 / 3000 >12h
Durlang 25009080 12 25009080 100009080 25009080 / 100009080 >12h
Apocalypt 37570660 20 37570660 400043540 37570660 / 400043540 >12h