Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Heavy Leather]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 17:42:46 (3 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 2021
Minimum Bid Price 12725
Minimum Buyout Price 2
Average Bid Price 84016
Average Buyout Price 93885
Median Bid Price 840
Median Buyout Price 88888
Price Change
45 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 157 114444
Min Bid 10
Mean Buyout 9999 833396
Mean Bid 99 745698
Median Buyout 9999 9845
Median Bid 674325
Cost Price 4990
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Medium Leather]
x59984990Heavy Leather
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout /

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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Alarmviewer 63276 1 63276 792 435724 / 4198 >12h
Alarmviewer 63276 1 63276 792 435724 / 4198 >12h
Billooqsoo 152160 4 152160 152160 346840 / 346840 >12h
Atagk 155 7 155 1750 3485 / 3240 >12h
Enchammy 3042 13 3042 3224 1948 / 1766 >12h
Jiyoo 3045 20 3045 40 1945 / 990 >12h
Awenss 426 15 426 426 784 / 784 >12h
Helerus 39675 3 39675 45 108325 / 490 >12h
Atagk 43 20 43 50 690 / 10 >12h
Misiuu 403825 17 403825 50 95175 / 10 >12h
Ohoyakatsumi 2545 20 2545 55 2445 / 510 >12h
Fumocangkua 566185 17 566185 568344 67185 / 69344 >12h
Zepply 551090 10 551090 613250 52090 / 114250 >12h
Misiuu 4045 20 4045 64 945 / 1410 >12h
Galfrid 50 20 50 65 10 / 1510 >12h
Kratuss 6445 20 6445 65 1455 / 1510 >12h
Fumocangkua 6661 20 6661 668640 1671 / 169640 >12h
Fumocangkua 6661 20 6661 668640 1671 / 169640 >12h
Fumocangkua 6661 20 6661 668640 1671 / 169640 >12h
Deglutition 761974 17 761974 848232 262974 / 349232 >12h
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Helerus 992250 10 992250 100 493250 / 5010 >12h
Orisson 9540 20 9540 10080 4550 / 5090 >12h
Walewiadro 11325 15 11325 120 6335 / 7010 >12h
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