Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Titansteel Bar]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 11:42:00 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 213
Minimum Bid Price 30075
Minimum Buyout Price 3576969
Average Bid Price 3618361
Average Buyout Price 3715778
Median Bid Price 36075
Median Buyout Price 37075
Price Change
-1 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 1399999 997
Min Bid 1 94850
Mean Buyout 297646 1400458
Mean Bid 3062369 12358788
Median Buyout 319 1149
Median Bid 310 1091
Cost Price 4394995
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Titanium Bar]
x310999993299997Smelt Titansteel
[Eternal Fire]
x147154715Smelt Titansteel
[Eternal Earth]
x1173498173498Smelt Titansteel
[Eternal Shadow]
x14545Smelt Titansteel
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout /

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

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Liveevil 350 1 350 3576969 894995 / 818026 >12h
Liveevil 350 1 350 3576969 894995 / 818026 >12h
Liveevil 350 1 350 3576969 894995 / 818026 >12h
Liveevil 350 1 350 3576969 894995 / 818026 >12h
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Liveevil 350 1 350 3576969 894995 / 818026 >12h
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Droach 36075 1 36075 380 787495 / 594995 2h-12h
Hunterousi 36075 1 36075 380 787495 / 594995 >12h
Hunterousi 36075 1 36075 380 787495 / 594995 >12h
Hunterousi 36075 1 36075 380 787495 / 594995 >12h
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Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
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Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
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Vojtas 3758750 1 3758750 39995 636245 / 395495 2h-12h
Chikubi 17943750 5 17943750 181375 13548755 / 1374255 >12h
Hikariee 47008750 13 47008750 4900 42613755 / 4460505 >12h
Cackovlae 6256 16 6256 6256 5816505 / 5816505 30min-2hrs
Chikubi 733750 20 733750 7415 68985 / 6975505 >12h