Item Statistic

Realm :Onyxia

Faction :

[Heavy Stone]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 19:09:24 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 1023
Minimum Bid Price 33
Minimum Buyout Price 77
Average Bid Price 471
Average Buyout Price 635
Median Bid Price 1
Median Buyout Price 27
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 25 85
Min Bid 84
Mean Buyout 18 43227
Mean Bid 95 431826
Median Buyout 86 85
Median Bid 80 84
Cost Price
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 1 / 27

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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Sucundrula 75 1 75 81 75 / 81 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Nuca 80 1 80 86 80 / 86 2h-12h
Andycandy 83 1 83 89 83 / 89 2h-12h
Chorapche 84 1 84 90 84 / 90 2h-12h
Ztrafe 88 1 88 94 88 / 94 >12h
Sparkette 90 1 90 95 90 / 95 >12h
Gresh 134 1 134 143 134 / 143 >12h
Runduderun 160 1 160 170 160 / 170 >12h
Vadlol 124 1 124 178 124 / 178 >12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Papparam 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 >12h
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Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
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Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
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Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
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Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
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Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
Ilero 1 1 1 2 1 / 2 2h-12h
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Saltybank 124 1 124 2 124 / 2 >12h
Landris 28 1 28 221 28 / 221 2h-12h
Alexandras 255 3 255 273 255 / 273 2h-12h
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
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Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Glompi 249 1 249 299 249 / 299 30min-2hrs
Esiuol 274 1 274 344 274 / 344 >12h
Sparkette 399 3 399 423 399 / 423 >12h
Chorapche 420 5 420 450 420 / 450 2h-12h
Chorapche 420 5 420 450 420 / 450 2h-12h
Chorapche 420 5 420 450 420 / 450 2h-12h
Chorapche 420 5 420 450 420 / 450 2h-12h
Chorapche 420 5 420 450 420 / 450 2h-12h
Jimcramer 450 5 450 480 450 / 480 2h-12h
Boegi 354 6 354 522 354 / 522 2h-12h
Futro 532 7 532 574 532 / 574 2h-12h
Critcop 546 6 546 582 546 / 582 2h-12h
Shivblade 3 3 3 6 3 / 6 <30min
Hanniie 648 4 648 688 648 / 688 2h-12h
Arathea 656 8 656 74 656 / 74 2h-12h
Atlantess 664 4 664 74 664 / 74 2h-12h
Lebude 736 8 736 784 736 / 784 2h-12h
Calenneth 774 9 774 828 774 / 828 2h-12h
Sparkette 798 6 798 846 798 / 846 >12h
Moonfiregun 957 11 957 1023 957 / 1023 2h-12h
Critcop 1155 7 1155 1225 1155 / 1225 2h-12h
Hemousxd 1386 18 1386 1494 1386 / 1494 2h-12h
Leonaxe 144 18 144 1512 144 / 1512 2h-12h
Backdraft 660 20 660 1540 660 / 1540 >12h
Nobioo 645 7 615 1557 615 / 1557 30min-2hrs
Barrettius 153 9 153 1593 153 / 1593 2h-12h
Zanzel 1920 12 1920 2040 1920 / 2040 >12h
Boorya 1940 10 1940 2060 1940 / 2060 >12h
Baninator 2093 13 2093 2223 2093 / 2223 2h-12h
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Nobioo 2030 14 2030 3114 2030 / 3114 2h-12h
Rastorogue 3196 17 3196 3383 3196 / 3383 30min-2hrs
Brianne 20 20 20 40 20 / 40 >12h
Brianne 20 20 20 40 20 / 40 >12h
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Wishbank 1461 20 1326 4159 1326 / 4159 >12h
Wishbank 1461 20 1326 4159 1326 / 4159 >12h
Wishbank 1461 20 1326 4159 1326 / 4159 >12h
Flashbreaker 18 20 18 45 18 / 45 >12h
Flashbreaker 18 20 18 45 18 / 45 >12h
Flashbreaker 18 20 18 45 18 / 45 >12h
Flashbreaker 18 20 18 45 18 / 45 >12h
Flashbreaker 18 20 18 45 18 / 45 >12h
Hourglass 12768 12 12768 13968 12768 / 13968 >12h
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Elczupakabra 29 19 29 342 29 / 342 >12h
Elczupakabra 20 20 20 360 20 / 360 >12h
Seledron 4 20 4 5 4 / 5 30min-2hrs
Seledron 4 20 4 5 4 / 5 30min-2hrs
Seledron 4 20 4 5 4 / 5 30min-2hrs
Seledron 4 20 4 5 4 / 5 30min-2hrs
Seledron 4 20 4 5 4 / 5 30min-2hrs
Zavodnoyglek 633 20 633 633 633 / 633 >12h