Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Primal Earth]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 11:42:00 (5 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 133
Minimum Bid Price 138250
Minimum Buyout Price 1460
Average Bid Price 223414
Average Buyout Price 30572
Median Bid Price 139750
Median Buyout Price 1475
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 1 37
Min Bid 342417
Mean Buyout 4398 2545714
Mean Bid 35735 2543371
Median Buyout 39399 429
Median Bid 34550 428
Cost Price 298
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Mote of Earth]
x92842556Create Primal Earth
[Primal Fire]
x1298298Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth
[Primal Life]
x110451045Transmute: Primal Life to Earth
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 109950 / 1177

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Biringan 138250 1 138250 1460 108450 / 1162 2h-12h
Nosed 138750 1 138750 1465 108950 / 1167 >12h
Dzeuss 1460 1 1460 1520 1162 / 1222 2h-12h
Dzeuss 1460 1 1460 1520 1162 / 1222 2h-12h
Dzeuss 1460 1 1460 1520 1162 / 1222 2h-12h
Aecia 1560 1 1560 20 1262 / 172 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Nosed 693750 5 693750 7325 663950 / 7027 >12h
Tieflikemyt 8120 2 8120 82 7822 / 792 2h-12h
Rimbudruid 88 1 88 8899 852 / 861 >12h
Rimbudruid 88 1 88 8899 852 / 861 >12h
Purpleplant 855 3 855 8970 827 / 8672 >12h
Profanaculos 19495 14 19495 20580 19197 / 20282 >12h
Leossj 22360 16 22360 236 22062 / 2332 >12h
Kvgdfga 28150 20 28150 297 27852 / 2942 30min-2hrs
Kvgdfga 28150 20 28150 297 27852 / 2942 30min-2hrs
Miniblaze 1006 10 1006 2000 10032 / 19972 30min-2hrs