Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Primal Fire]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 11:42:00 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 87
Minimum Bid Price 14571
Minimum Buyout Price 17857
Average Bid Price 3241
Average Buyout Price 36664
Median Bid Price 282
Median Buyout Price 298
Price Change
49 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 2633 5980
Min Bid 179750
Mean Buyout 13852 1071916
Mean Bid 11531 1041558
Median Buyout 45 66
Median Bid 41 66
Cost Price 450
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Mote of Fire]
x950450Create Primal Fire
[Primal Air]
x188998899Transmute: Primal Air to Fire
[Primal Mana]
x141754175Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout /

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Arzaell 23622 1 23622 28913 21378 / 16087 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
Monocolor 39999 1 39999 49999 501 / 4999 >12h
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