Item Statistic

Realm :Lordaeron

Faction :

[Primal Fire]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 12:33:23 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 105
Minimum Bid Price 60
Minimum Buyout Price 590
Average Bid Price 77396
Average Buyout Price 92769
Median Bid Price 74750
Median Buyout Price 785
Price Change
-21 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 1 95
Min Bid 1 9040
Mean Buyout 24259 1732579
Mean Bid 18594 1636780
Median Buyout 230 120
Median Bid 60 11960
Cost Price 169999
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Mote of Fire]
x918888169999Create Primal Fire
[Primal Air]
x184608460Transmute: Primal Air to Fire
[Primal Mana]
x198909890Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout /

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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Moonchildd 56250 1 56250 595 113749 / 11499 2h-12h
Moonchildd 56250 1 56250 595 113749 / 11499 2h-12h
Ametrinum 560 1 560 6 113999 / 109999 >12h
Bartczech 644 1 644 64999 105599 / 1050 2h-12h
Bartczech 644 1 644 64999 105599 / 1050 2h-12h
Bartczech 644 1 644 64999 105599 / 1050 2h-12h
Bartczech 644 1 644 64999 105599 / 1050 2h-12h
Bartczech 644 1 644 64999 105599 / 1050 2h-12h
Elurenn 6 1 6 650 109999 / 104999 >12h
Elurenn 6 1 6 650 109999 / 104999 >12h
Elurenn 6 1 6 650 109999 / 104999 >12h
Elurenn 6 1 6 650 109999 / 104999 >12h
Elurenn 6 1 6 650 109999 / 104999 >12h
Redpoints 665 1 665 665 103499 / 103499 2h-12h
660 1 660 666 103999 / 103399 2h-12h
660 1 660 666 103999 / 103399 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
690 1 690 7 10999 / 99999 2h-12h
Hotniq 71250 1 71250 750 98749 / 94999 2h-12h
Hotniq 71250 1 71250 750 98749 / 94999 2h-12h
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Hotniq 71250 1 71250 750 98749 / 94999 2h-12h
Jizzabel 75555 1 75555 75555 94444 / 94444 >12h
Wandie 785 1 785 785 91499 / 91499 2h-12h
Wandie 785 1 785 785 91499 / 91499 2h-12h
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Iorele 74750 1 74750 790 95249 / 9999 2h-12h
Iorele 74750 1 74750 790 95249 / 9999 2h-12h
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Iorele 74750 1 74750 790 95249 / 9999 2h-12h
Iorele 74750 1 74750 790 95249 / 9999 2h-12h
Httlife 149999 1 149999 149999 2 / 2 >12h
Buddy 10 1 10 15 69999 / 19999 >12h
Buddy 10 1 10 15 69999 / 19999 >12h
Buddy 10 1 10 15 69999 / 19999 >12h
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Yarchex 1320 2 1320 16 37999 / 9999 >12h
Xanthia 19845 3 180 18 151999 / 11 30min-2hrs
Ycpycb 1520 2 1520 20 17999 / 31 >12h
Blackthais 2120 2 2120 28 4201 / 111 2h-12h
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Upsetsetup 18850 20 18850 199 171501 / 1821 2h-12h