Item Statistic

Realm :Onyxia

Faction :

[Truesilver Ore]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 19:08:38 (2 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 261
Minimum Bid Price 750
Minimum Buyout Price 1195
Average Bid Price 1165
Average Buyout Price 1310
Median Bid Price 1145
Median Buyout Price 1255
Price Change
2 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 585 7623
Min Bid 6561
Mean Buyout 579 22749
Mean Bid 694 2136
Median Buyout 795 110
Median Bid 750 110
Cost Price
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 1145 / 1255

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
Welfix 750 1 750 750 / >12h
Laradea 750 1 750 12 750 / 12 >12h
Elektrika 1140 1 1140 125 1140 / 125 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Chorapche 1145 1 1145 1210 1145 / 1210 2h-12h
Inkrustar 1250 1 1250 13 1250 / 13 >12h
Rumsem 1250 1 1250 1350 1250 / 1350 >12h
Rumsem 1250 1 1250 1350 1250 / 1350 >12h
Rumsem 1250 1 1250 1350 1250 / 1350 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Zarez 1250 1 1250 1355 1250 / 1355 >12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Ironfantaz 1350 1 1350 14 1350 / 14 2h-12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Rumsem 1650 1 1650 1659 1650 / 1659 >12h
Aby 750 1 750 17 750 / 17 2h-12h
Aby 750 1 750 17 750 / 17 2h-12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Garope 1835 1 1835 2045 1835 / 2045 >12h
Voess 23 2 23 2430 23 / 2430 2h-12h
Onlinebank 18 2 18 2580 18 / 2580 2h-12h
Galvaron 35 3 35 3798 35 / 3798 2h-12h
Kipi 4744 4 4744 4796 4744 / 4796 2h-12h
Amynka 46 4 46 48 46 / 48 >12h
Slayk 5675 5 5675 60 5675 / 60 >12h
Comebackbro 8850 7 8850 89 8850 / 89 >12h
Elczupakabra 60 8 60 96 60 / 96 >12h
Fitzi 11280 8 11280 11920 11280 / 11920 >12h
Jilli 113 10 113 11950 113 / 11950 >12h
Slayk 11350 10 11350 120 11350 / 120 >12h
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Slayk 11350 10 11350 120 11350 / 120 >12h
Voess 115 10 115 12150 115 / 12150 2h-12h
Boton 121 10 121 122 121 / 122 >12h
Lotexhunt 125 10 125 12550 125 / 12550 >12h
Lotexhunt 125 10 125 12550 125 / 12550 >12h
Onlinebank 90 10 90 129 90 / 129 2h-12h
Onlinebank 90 10 90 129 90 / 129 2h-12h
Onlinebank 90 10 90 129 90 / 129 2h-12h
Elczupakabra 75 10 75 130 75 / 130 >12h
Merzy 120 10 120 150 120 / 150 2h-12h