Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Essence of Earth]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 17:28:40 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 226
Minimum Bid Price 1425
Minimum Buyout Price 155
Average Bid Price 194521
Average Buyout Price 198630
Median Bid Price 195999
Median Buyout Price 199999
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 26 29999
Min Bid 1 923953
Mean Buyout 63769 2399940
Mean Bid 61085 178740
Median Buyout 33540 29999
Median Bid 323 29675
Cost Price 255
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Essence of Fire]
x1255255Transmute: Fire to Earth
[Living Essence]
x1484484Transmute: Life to Earth
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 17499 / 174499

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

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