Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Elemental Earth]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 17:28:40 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 94
Minimum Bid Price 113250
Minimum Buyout Price 1195
Average Bid Price 5128
Average Buyout Price 545471
Median Bid Price 16945
Median Buyout Price 173061
Price Change
-14 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 422 80
Min Bid 756
Mean Buyout 520 2163580
Mean Bid 985 2083864
Median Buyout 1040 250
Median Bid 985 250
Cost Price
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 16945 / 173061

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
113250 1 113250 1195 113250 / 1195 2h-12h
Khalrodhh 166 1 166 1699 166 / 1699 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Fertinand 16945 1 16945 173061 16945 / 173061 >12h
Pryanik 164044 1 164044 173062 164044 / 173062 >12h
Pryanik 164044 1 164044 173062 164044 / 173062 >12h
Pryanik 164044 1 164044 173062 164044 / 173062 >12h
Pryanik 164044 1 164044 173062 164044 / 173062 >12h
Kamelott 168623 1 168623 177499 168623 / 177499 2h-12h
Solune 169750 1 169750 1790 169750 / 1790 2h-12h
176 1 176 1866 176 / 1866 >12h
176 1 176 1866 176 / 1866 >12h
176 1 176 1866 176 / 1866 >12h
Mennadra 2670 1 2670 2820 2670 / 2820 >12h
Mennadra 2670 1 2670 2820 2670 / 2820 >12h
Mennadra 2670 1 2670 2820 2670 / 2820 >12h
Fertinand 321890 2 321890 346122 321890 / 346122 >12h
Fertinand 321890 2 321890 346122 321890 / 346122 >12h
Fertinand 321890 2 321890 346122 321890 / 346122 >12h
Fertinand 321890 2 321890 346122 321890 / 346122 >12h
Fertinand 321890 2 321890 346122 321890 / 346122 >12h
Bankaze 506250 3 506250 5340 506250 / 5340 2h-12h
507750 3 507750 5355 507750 / 5355 30min-2hrs
Ejwarlock 6730 4 6730 71 6730 / 71 2h-12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
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Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h
Mag 157 1 157 16790 157 / 16790 >12h