Item Statistic

Realm :Lordaeron

Faction :

[Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 00:45:46 (26 minutes ago)
Quantity On AH 6
Minimum Bid Price 47316750
Minimum Buyout Price 509050
Average Bid Price 53056176
Average Buyout Price 54169167
Median Bid Price 5100
Median Buyout Price 5102
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 3000462 109989999
Min Bid 300038 1088999
Mean Buyout 3338 109994999
Mean Bid 324221 109619867
Median Buyout 3222 109999999
Median Bid 311138 109999999
Cost Price 364690
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Titansteel Bar]
x81193095440Hellfrozen Bonegrinders
[Eternal Water]
x615759450Hellfrozen Bonegrinders
[Eternal Fire]
x633198Hellfrozen Bonegrinders
[Primordial Saronite]
x54802400Hellfrozen Bonegrinders
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 145310 / 145510

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
Voohk 47316750 1 47316750 509050 10847750 / 144360 >12h
Kkrako 5100 1 5100 5100 145310 / 145310 2h-12h
Ritamolodec 5049 1 5049 5101 140210 / 145410 2h-12h
Smodel 510138 1 510138 5102 1454138 / 145510 >12h
Zarien 4853 1 4853 5109 120610 / 146210 2h-12h
Dagimar 6999 1 6999 6999 335210 / 335210 2h-12h