Item Statistic

Realm :Lordaeron

Faction :

[Footpads of Impending Death]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 00:45:46 (33 minutes ago)
Quantity On AH 5
Minimum Bid Price 5531
Minimum Buyout Price 5531
Average Bid Price 58346872
Average Buyout Price 583880
Median Bid Price 55558120
Median Buyout Price 5566
Price Change
-2 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 3200 999998
Min Bid 29718120 999998
Mean Buyout 22504950 999998
Mean Bid 31859060 999998
Median Buyout 3373 99999999
Median Bid 3373 99999999
Cost Price 36578042
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Nerubian Chitin]
x12947361136842Footpads of Impending Death
[Arctic Fur]
x8818965512Footpads of Impending Death
[Eternal Shadow]
x104890489Footpads of Impending Death
[Primordial Saronite]
x54802400Footpads of Impending Death
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 189878 / 19081958

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

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Kkrako 5531 1 5531 5531 18731958 / 18731958 2h-12h
Stonese 55318120 1 55318120 5532 187478 / 18741958 >12h
Almazer 55558120 1 55558120 5566 189878 / 19081958 2h-12h
Almazer 55558120 1 55558120 5566 189878 / 19081958 2h-12h
Dagimar 6999 1 6999 6999 33411958 / 33411958 2h-12h