Item Statistic

Realm :Icecrown

Faction :

[Eternal Air]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 17:28:40 (4 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 406
Minimum Bid Price 18
Minimum Buyout Price 3660
Average Bid Price 1199373
Average Buyout Price 1235025
Median Bid Price 4170
Median Buyout Price 439995
Price Change
-12 %
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 180 999999
Min Bid 949999
Mean Buyout 257472 6155036
Mean Bid 28490 531553
Median Buyout 29 855
Median Bid 2790 81050
Cost Price 16
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Crystallized Air]
x969899629091Create Eternal Air
[Eternal Earth]
x1198082198082Transmute: Eternal Earth to Air
[Eternal Water]
x11616Transmute: Eternal Water to Air
[Frozen Orb]
x111699991169999Frozo the Renowned
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 2570 / 279995

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
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3790 1 3790 38 2190 / 22 >12h
3790 1 3790 38 2190 / 22 >12h
3790 1 3790 38 2190 / 22 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
18 1 18 39 2 / 23 >12h
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Known 3775 1 3775 3980 2175 / 2380 2h-12h
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Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
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Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
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Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 >12h
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Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 2h-12h
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Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 2h-12h
Leglegg 391451 1 391451 438946 231451 / 278946 2h-12h
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Hellanndel 900 5 900 925 884 / 909 >12h
Hellanndel 900 5 900 925 884 / 909 >12h
Hellanndel 900 5 900 925 884 / 909 >12h
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Hellanndel 900 5 900 925 884 / 909 >12h
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