Item Statistic

Realm :Lordaeron

Faction :

[Borean Leather]

Data Fetched at 2024-09-19 18:33:14 (3 hours ago)
Quantity On AH 1448
Minimum Bid Price 7875
Minimum Buyout Price 99
Average Bid Price 23657
Average Buyout Price 23965
Median Bid Price 11466
Median Buyout Price 140
Price Change
LifeTime Price History
Type Min Max
Min Buyout 2398 35450
Min Bid 75 336
Mean Buyout 1127 187921
Mean Bid 5589 174282
Median Buyout 95 3485
Median Bid 3375 323375
Cost Price 92
Cost Price Breakdown
Item Qty. Price Ea. Price Total Source
[Borean Leather Scraps]
x42392Borean Leather
[Borean Leather Scraps]
x523115Borean Leather
Average Profit From Bid/Buyout 2266 / 48

Price Chart

Buyout Median Buyout Min Bid Cost Price

Volume Chart

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Current Auctions

Posted By Current Bid Stack Size Min Bid Buyout Profit Bid / Buyout Time Left
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
191441 20 1575 1483 / 92 >12h
Fallinrash 14550 1 14550 175 5350 / 83 >12h
Fallinrash 14550 1 14550 175 5350 / 83 >12h
Magisk 34932 3 34932 37167 25732 / 27967 >12h
Summerlee 33651 3 33651 41871 24451 / 32671 >12h
Magisk 46576 4 46576 49556 37376 / 4356 >12h
Magisk 57330 5 57330 6995 48130 / 51795 2h-12h
Magisk 57330 5 57330 6995 48130 / 51795 >12h
65450 7 65450 693 56250 / 61 2h-12h
Magisk 93232 8 93232 99192 84032 / 89992 >12h
Esuss 85494 6 85494 103950 76294 / 94750 2h-12h
Magisk 126126 11 126126 134189 116926 / 124989 >12h
Buffalobull 14220 15 14220 1782 131020 / 1690 >12h
Perplex 199999 20 199999 199999 19799 / 19799 >12h
Perplex 199999 20 199999 199999 19799 / 19799 >12h
Perplex 199999 20 199999 199999 19799 / 19799 >12h
Perplex 199999 20 199999 199999 19799 / 19799 >12h
Perplex 199999 20 199999 199999 19799 / 19799 >12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
20 20 20 20 198 / 198 2h-12h
1920 20 1920 2040 1828 / 1948 >12h
Vori 2090 19 2090 2223 1998 / 2131 2h-12h
Vori 22 20 22 2340 218 / 2248 2h-12h
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Buffalobull 186960 20 186960 2376 177760 / 2284 >12h
Magisk 229320 20 229320 243980 22120 / 234780 >12h
Magisk 229320 20 229320 243980 22120 / 234780 >12h
2675 20 2675 28 2583 / 278 2h-12h
2675 20 2675 28 2583 / 278 2h-12h
2675 20 2675 28 2583 / 278 2h-12h
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2675 20 2675 28 2583 / 278 2h-12h
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Arkin 46675 20 46675 480 46583 / 4798 >12h
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